Monday, December 5, 2011

Bradley kollegaer tyskland Bradley Fried

Bradley Fried er født og oppvokst i Sør-Afrika. Han studerte ved University of
Cape Town hvor han ble tildelt en Bachelor of Commerce grad og kvalifisert som en
Chartered Accountant. Brad servert artikler med Arthur Andersen før avreise
Sør-Afrika for å studere til en MBA-grad (hovedfag i finans og strategi) ved
Wharton School ved University of Pennsylvania. Brad utdannet Palmer Scholar og fikk sin MBA-grad med utmerkelse.
Etter konfirmasjonen, sluttet Brad ledelsen konsulentene McKinsey & Co i New York.
Som partner i McKinsey, Brad fokusert utelukkende på strategi rådgivning til finansnæringen med sitt areal på
spesialitet er integrerte globale investeringsbanker, kapitalforvaltning selskaper og universell bank bedrifter.
Brad konsultert til finansnæringen i New York, London, Frankfurt og Tokyo.

I 1999 flyttet Brad fra New York til London for å delta Investec Bank i Storbritannia.
Brad var administrerende direktør i Investec Bank frem til mars 2010, da han gikk ned til fant rektor verdipapirforetaket Grovepoint Capital.
Han er nå en non-executive direktør i Investec, og medlem av Hennes Majestets Treasury revisjonsutvalg.

Brad er administrerende direktør i Residence og Fellow i finans ved Cambridge Judge Business School,
der han foredrag bank strategi til MBA klassen. Han er også en Fellow av Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Bradley Associates Madrid News On oss Dollar taper Etter Dårlig info

Bradley Associates Madrid News On oss Dollar taper Etter Poor Info; euro likevel susceptible.
Bradley Associates har utviklet et omfattende nettverk av faglige ressurser.
Vi velger fromamong en rekke nøye utvalgte ledere til å strukturere porteføljer som oppfyller behovene til clients.
We våre hjelpe våre kunder være konkurransedyktig i de stadig skiftende markedene i den moderne world.
The Greenback skled på torsdag siden dårlig amerikansk finansiell informasjon bekreftet forventning,
det FederalReserve kunne holde finanspolitikk ultra-løs for en tid, opprettholde rente for at
dollarminimal i motsetning til høy fortjeneste av utenlandske currencies.
The Fed kan grovt forventes å unngå økende priser i inneværende år, og når monetaryinformation er stadig
på la ned kan det tvinge vekk Fed steg till effektivt innen 2012 orpossibly senere.
"The Fed kan ikke øke prisene i et svært forsinke økonomisk miljø," hevdet Douglas Northwick,
administrerende direktør for Trading i Stamford, Connecticut. "Gitt det amerikanske finansdepartementet sier
valutaer burde avsløre økonomisk grunnleggende, ser vi på den svake (dollar) fremover.
"Informasjon viser nedgangen i produksjonen stiger i USA Midt-atlantiske området med en unpredicteddrop på
nåværende bolig salg i april brakt på dollar som tilbyr så vel som satt i increasingindications at amerikanske
monetære fører har vært knapt positive.Many verden sentralbankene tidligere satt ut på ruten for finansielle krymper,
produsere theirown ressurser mer ønskelig samt øke sine egne valutaer. Den europeiske sentralbanken Bankrecently økte
priser første gang siden juli 2008.Rate av interesse differensialer får sikkert foretrakk euro, ved hjelp av én valuta opp
7% år-til-dato i strid med dollar.The euro steg til noen rekordhøye $ 1.4326 på handelsplattform EBS.
På slutten av dagen New Yorkdealing, euroen en del av overskuddet derimot hadde vært opp 0,4% på $ 1.4304.
The virkelig usikker finansiell gjeldssanering problem i Hellas, likevel burde redusere thisdollar kutt strider mot euro,
selv om enkelt- valuta fortsetter å opprettholde over de 55-dayshifting gjennomsnitt, i dag nær $ 1.4295.Jane Caron,
viktigste finansielle strateg på Dwight Asset Management Company i Burlington, Vermont, uttalte til tross for sårbare finansiell informasjon,
i juni dommer på Fed har andre sett av kvantitative lettelser, kjent som QE2, kan bli ansatt i preferanse på dollaren.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Andrássy Avenue In 54 qm Wohnung zu vermieten

Im Stadtteil VI Andrássy Avenue, in der nähe Heldenplatz und Oktogon,
     1 Schlafzimmer, 54 qm plus 15 qm Balkon, schön möblierte Wohnung zu vermieten.
     Miete: 650 EUR/Monat + utilities 2 monate kaution beantragt.
     Referenznummer: 1670-mieten

Kredit-Ranking jettison "-off Importance

An offering of the USA After Standard & Poor 's prime Mark the following larger Platzierungen.
     Which is the better Investition: (A) -Government Bonds, with the whole Faith and Credit of the US gov't,
     or (B) Securities by Finanzintermediäre Darlehen is guaranteed to a similar type of
     investments in the most terrible of Economic Crisis launched is supported since the Great Depression?
     Ranking Companies With regard to Standard & Poor 's, is the Response To B.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bradley Associates Madrid: Beneficial tips to invest in this sector right now
Of the best section of the year the FTSE went nowhere fast. The struggle involving the bulls and the bears offers stored the preferred index range-bound close to 6,000.
Although one think there’s additional drawback risk towards the Footsie compared to upside possibility, which doesn’t suggest there aren’t every good gain options available.
Personal shares are able to do really effectively whatever the typical economic environment (although stock selecting could be a high-risk event). However there’s a different strategy which might create severe results within the weeks onward – sector investing.
So why purchase the entire market if you can simply get the sectors you prefer? And when you’ve obtained the stomach for this, you should limit the bad sectors as well?
Visualize it, you will find a trio of excellent reasons to follow sector investing at this time.
1. You could recognize profitable styles
Stocks in a sector often come in cluster. They could be pushed up as mergers and purchases seize this sector – that may collect speed since we all want to obtain the advantage.
Otherwise it may be systems which push situations – the web growth becoming an apparent illustration.
Possibly it might be as easy as demographics as well as rising common need. You may be considering worldwide energy and resources as the hold upon worldwide demographics.
At the moment be hooked on the energy sector. The pension fund is obviously established to make money from worldwide interest in resources we observe moving forward on the following two decades roughly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bradley Associates: Due Diligence
Before anyone at Bradley Associates can make recommendations to our clients, we need to carry out our due diligence on the components of prospective portfolios.
Bradley Associates cannot recommend a particular stock, corporate bond or IPO without first assessing the security at the deepest possible level.
Due diligence is absolutely vital to making a sound investment. Due diligence carried out by Bradley Associates verifies any business opportunities that survives our initial screening stage. For capital investments, as few as 10-15% of proposals presented to Bradley Associates make it past our initial screening stage to the full due-diligence process, and only 10% of those will go on to receive funding.
Bradley Associates: Technical Analysis
To use plain English terms, the technical analysis carried out at Bradley Associates looks for the following in the price action of a security:
• Order
• Rhythm
• Patterns
We will assume that the price of the security at any one time is based on the market’s perception of it.
We strive to look at all information pertinent to such as:
• Annual results
• Profit margins
• Earnings
• Rumors of merger or acquisition
Just like other markets (like real estate or supply and demand of commodities or services) patterns in the financial markets can be identified and studied.
History has shown us that these types of strategy have earned some very profitable results. Hindsight is never wrong. You may see a pattern as clear as day, but the problem with this is that it may be one pattern within hundreds of different products. Spotting these different patterns on a daily chart can take years of study to spot. For the average investor without the tools available that we at Bradley Associates can access, this can amount to the proverbial ‘looking for a needle in a haystack’.
Bradley Associates: Fundamental Analysis
It is important that our analysis of a product takes into account complex fundamentals. Our analysts at Bradley Associates implement complex fundamental analysis. These complex fundamentals drive markets in both the short and long term.
At Bradley Associates our interest is in the long term so we focus on information like the company’s sales, its debt, it’s earning and so on.
This is what we call the Complex Forensic Analysis (CFA) of the process. CFA is where our analysts delve into the inner workings of the organization. We carry out a thorough assessment of their management team and how the business is run from top to bottom.
Bradley Associates carefully look at the industry sector involved as a whole. We will try to build a full and complete picture of the prospective company operating within the sector in question.
Bradley Associates: Continued Portfolio Maintenance
Such is the importance of asset allocation to a client’s overall wealth management strategy that, in addition to our periodical reviews, we continually reconcile a client’s plan against their risk profile. In doing this we are, in effect, double-checking our clients’ positions based on our extensive experience and their tolerance for risk.

Bradley Associates Training Consultants

We have built our reputation by talking to our customers and then designing practical, measurable, and enjoyable training programmes to suit their business needs.
Our trainers have a range of experience across many sectors including sales, manufacturing, retail, catering and public sector. We can therefore guarantee that you will have a personal project manager for your training needs who can be contacted 7 days a week.
We welcome enquiries from any sector and organisation no matter how large or small and you can be assured of the highest standards of service, communication and working partnership.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bradley Associates Decision Makers Cold Calling Article « Social Bookmarking Website, Hot Bmarks

Conveniently situated 5 minutes from Junction 20 of the M62 in the heart of Rochdale makes this an ideal and easy to find venue for conference, meeting or training purposes.
Our fully equipped room for up to 20 delegates may be adapted to suit your specific requirements. With installation of the latest in audio-visual technology our customers have access to a range of presentation equipment which are all included in the price of the room hire:
Overhead projector
Flip chart & pens
32" TV's and DVD
Internet connection

Morning 8:00am - 12:00pm
Afternoon 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Evening 4:00pm - 8pm
Tea, coffee, water and biscuits included with all room hire. Hot & cold lunches available - menu's provided on request.
If you'd like to find out more about our times and rates for room hire, please call 01706 522 922 or contact us

Bradley Associates: Gaining Access to Key Decision Makers. Cold Calling does work – if you know how to call.

Will sales reps cold call – and learn to like it?  Yes, if shown that cold calling is effective in gaining access to decision makers and Key Player executives.  The sales person needs to learn to approach cold calling differently -- and should use cold calling to cultivate an internalreferral and not to initially call the Key Player. Why not?

A survey* of senior executives was conducted to determine under what circumstances they would respond to a contact from an unknown salesperson. Responses showed that eighty percent (80%) of senior executives are unlikely to ever respond to an inbound sales call. Not great odds. Other than golf, not many people enjoy an effort that yields such disappointing results.
The executives surveyed further indicated that the most likely way to gain access to them is a referral from someone inside their own company. Eighty-four percent (84%) will always or usually respond to an internal referral. A prospecting technique that has been shown to have 84% effectiveness?  What sales person wouldn’t use it? -- once they are shown how to use cold calling to generate internal referrals. I conduct CustomerCentric Selling® Cold Call Seminars and real-time Cold Call Coaching, and the most common error made by reps is the lack of a plan for a successful calling session. Before calling the targeted Key Player, I coach the rep to intentionally call laterally or one level lower, as well as to non-key players within that company.

The objective of these calls is to gain an insight into the prospect company that cannot be gleaned from researching their website or other sources.  The sales rep is looking for a "hook." I recommend that the rep be very upfront about the reason for the call – they are gathering facts to prepare for a conversation with one of the prospect’s executives.
The rep should be prepared with questions that reflect the research done on the prospect before the call.  The questions will help the sales person to identify a goal, need or issue within that prospect that might be addressed by your company’s offerings. Conscientious and relevant questions also demonstrate to the prospect that the rep is credible, interested and respectful of the contact’s time.
Surprisingly, most people called are open to these conversations, and at ease in responding to questions. After all, the sales rep isn’t trying to sell anything to them – they are just asking for help. Even very busy executives rarely rebuff a sincere request for assistance. Often alateral or subordinate executive will offer that, "Yes, you may indicate we spoke, and these were my thoughts.” Bingo! The sales person has crafted the referral from inside the company.
The result of cold calling with such an approach is this: The rep can make each cold callproductive. Knowledge - if not access - can be harvested from every conversation. After only a couple calls, the sales person will have documented many pages of useful notes from these “staging” conversations within the target company, and, as a result,  will be much more knowledgeable about the prospect. This achievement in itself makes cold calling much more satisfying. And the sales person becomes increasingly confident as they polish theircold calling abilities.
Selecting from the gathered notes, the rep crafts a unique script.  Yes, the rep should prepare a written script for the call to the targeted Key Player, and should practice that script until it sounds fluid but not “scripted.”  This script can refer to the earlier conversations within the company, use the referring colleague’s name, and highlight the issues or goals uncovered.
Then, with confidence and skill, the rep tackles that critical cold call to the Decision Maker -- this time with the odds in your favor.

Gaining Access to Key Decision Makers. Cold Calling does work – if you know how to call.

Will sales reps cold call – and learn to like it?  Yes, if shown that cold calling is effective in gaining access to decision makers and Key Player executives.  The sales person needs to learn to approach cold calling differently -- and should use cold calling to cultivate an internal referral and not to initially call the Key Player. Why not?

A survey* of senior executives was conducted to determine under what circumstances they would respond to a contact from an unknown salesperson. Responses showed that eighty percent (80%) of senior executives are unlikely to ever respond to an inbound sales call. Not great odds. Other than golf, not many people enjoy an effort that yields such disappointing results.

The executives surveyed further indicated that the most likely way to gain access to them is a referral from someone inside their own company. Eighty-four percent (84%) will always or usually respond to an internal referral. A prospecting technique that has been shown to have 84% effectiveness?  What sales person wouldn’t use it? -- once they are shown how to use cold calling to generate internal referrals. I conduct CustomerCentric Selling® Cold Call Seminars and real-time Cold Call Coaching, and the most common error made by reps is the lack of a plan for a successful calling session. Before calling the targeted Key Player, I coach the rep to intentionally call laterally or one level lower, as well as to non-key players within that company.
The objective of these calls is to gain an insight into the prospect company that cannot be gleaned from researching their website or other sources.  The sales rep is looking for a "hook." I recommend that the rep be very upfront about the reason for the call – they are gathering facts to prepare for a conversation with one of the prospect’s executives.
The rep should be prepared with questions that reflect the research done on the prospect before the call.  The questions will help the sales person to identify a goal, need or issue within that prospect that might be addressed by your company’s offerings. Conscientious and relevant questions also demonstrate to the prospect that the rep is credible, interested and respectful of the contact’s time.
Surprisingly, most people called are open to these conversations, and at ease in responding to questions. After all, the sales rep isn’t trying to sell anything to them – they are just asking for help. Even very busy executives rarely rebuff a sincere request for assistance. Often a lateral or subordinate executive will offer that, "Yes, you may indicate we spoke, and these were my thoughts.” Bingo! The sales person has crafted the referral from inside the company.
The result of cold calling with such an approach is this: The rep can make each cold call productive. Knowledge - if not access - can be harvested from every conversation. After only a couple calls, the sales person will have documented many pages of useful notes from these “staging” conversations within the target company, and, as a result,  will be much more knowledgeable about the prospect. This achievement in itself makes cold calling much more satisfying. And the sales person becomes increasingly confident as they polish their cold calling abilities.
Selecting from the gathered notes, the rep crafts a unique script.  Yes, the rep should prepare a written script for the call to the targeted Key Player, and should practice that script until it sounds fluid but not “scripted.”  This script can refer to the earlier conversations within the company, use the referring colleague’s name, and highlight the issues or goals uncovered.
Then, with confidence and skill, the rep tackles that critical cold call to the Decision Maker -- this time with the odds in your favor.